Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure that enhances the appearance of a weak or receding chin. Texas facial plastic surgeon Dr. Edward Buckingham gives you a mild sedative and local anesthesia during the procedure. An incision is made below the chin and the chin implant is inserted through this opening. This entire process takes an hour or less.
Following a chin augmentation surgery, you do need approximately one week off from work or social activities. Some swelling lasts for up to six weeks. You may find it feels tight and bruised when you move your mouth at first, but some of this discomfort can be eased through medications. If you opt to have the surgery performed, there are many reasons why you’re sure to love your chin augmentation, including the following:
Chin Augmentations Improve the Appearance of Facial Features
Some people pair a chin augmentation with rhinoplasty or facelift surgery, but even by itself a chin implant can bring balance to other facial features. A small chin has a tendency to make other facial features, such as the nose and ears, look much larger than they are. By augmenting your chin, the nose, eyes, forehead, jawline, ears, and neck can look more symmetrical.
The Surgical Results are Permanent
If you add volume to your chin by undergoing injections of dermal fillers, the results generally last about a year. At that point, your weak chin returns until you go for repeat touch-up injections. Chin implants provide permanent improvements. Silicone implants are the preferred implant at Buckingham Center for Facial Plastic Surgery. They are FDA approved and have outstanding safety ratings for close to three decades.
A Strong Chin Makes You Appear More Attractive to Others
In the July 2012 edition of the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, researchers released the results of a study that linked the prominence of a chin to perceived attractiveness. In this study, men and women with protruding chins and weak chins all received lower ratings for overall attractiveness. With a chin augmentation, you’ll feel better about yourself, and others will find you more attractive.
Plastic Surgery Boosts Self-Esteem
Clinical Psychological Science released the results of a study performed by Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum in 2013. Of the 550 patients involved in the study, those who underwent some form of plastic surgery ended up feeling less anxiety, saw their improved feature as more attractive, and also felt higher levels of self-esteem than those who opted against surgery.
Read Dr. Buckingham’s chin augmentation FAQs to learn more about this popular facial plastic surgery. After earning his medical degree, Dr. Buckingham completed a facial plastic and reconstructive fellowship in Albany, New York. He has years of experience in performing chin augmentations in Austin, TX. To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Buckingham, call his office at (512) 401-2500.