Lower Facelift, Full Face Fat Transfer, Upper Blepharoplasty, Lower Blepharoplasty, Lower Eyelid TCA peel, Platysmaplasty
The patient is a 55 year-old female who is interested in cosmetic improvement for her eyes and lower face. Examination of her before photos shows a woman with good bone structure, but a very volume depleted face. She has a medial cheek mound lateral to her nasolabial fold, but otherwise the appearance of bone without soft tissue covering. This best demonstrated in the oblique view. She also has a small amount of upper eyelid skin redundancy and a small amount of lower eyelid fatty bulge. She underwent a Lower Facelift, Full Face Fat Transfer, Upper Blepharoplasty, Lower Blepharoplasty, Lower Eyelid TCA peel, and Platysmaplasty.
Comparing her frontal before and after photos the face is more youthful as the harsh features have been improved and the youthful full cheeks restored as well as the eyes brightened. The oblique view really demonstrates the harsh cheek contours in the before photo and how in the after photo the cheek has a gentle convexity associated with youth. Both the oblique and lateral views demonstrate the improvement in the neck and jawline contours.
- Chin and Cheek Augmentation
- Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)
- Earlobe Reduction
- Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
- Endoscoplic Browlift
- Facelift
- Facial Fat Transfer
- Fractional Laser
- Limited Incision Facelift
- Nasal Obstruction
- Necklift
- Rhinoplasty
- Revision Rhinoplasty
- Skin Cancer
- Submental Microliposuction
- TCA Peel / Dermabrasion
- Acne Scarring
- Belotero
- Birthmarks
- Botox
- Juvederm
- Lasers
- Lip Augmentation
- Radiesse
- Restylane
- Sculptra
- Rosacea
Patient #16032 Info
Age: 50 – 59 years old
Gender: Female
Procedure Description: